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DEVO: Seize The Day; Have Fun


Have Fun!
READ:  Acts 2:42-47 & 1 Timothy 6:6-19

    "Don't grow up, because you can't grow back down," is the advice a friend once told me. You know, there is some real simple wisdom in that statement. There seems to be an ill advised assumption that becoming an adult and taking on more responsibilities means that you have to trade in your childlikeness for a desk job and time card. One of the dangers I witness in many adults is that they have forgotten how to have fun. There is no denying that with age comes maturity and greater responsibility to God, family, and community, but without regular doses of fun and diversion life becomes drudgery. Many view a fun-loving free spirited adult as irresponsible and resistant to "growing-up". That is part true, they are resistant to growing up, but that is not an indication of irresponsibility. If society has its way then it will mold most adults into bland dull people who trade in their play clothes for a briefcase and pin stripes. That type of mold demands resistance. I have always believed, and am even more convinced today, that fun is a life priority! Life is a great balancing act between living for the eternal while enjoying the moment. We are called to devote ourselves to the Great Commission - which is a serious mission demanding our complete dedication, but we are also called to enjoy the freedom and internal abundance of the fruit of the Spirit that Christ died for as well. In fact, the abundant life that we have in Christ is one of the greatest witnessing tools we have. Our ability to drain every ounce of fun out of the barrel of life will only enhance our testimony of the freedom that is found in the grace of God. Your life is your testimony. How you live screams louder than the words you yell. More people will be drawn to the alter of grace by the joyous lifestyle than they will be by the stiff funless overly serious existance. As children we learned to play and mash as much fun as possible in our 24 hour toy boxes. Fun adds so much to our lives, and, in fact, helps maintain physical and psychological good health. My personal experience is that most adults wish they had more fun. The shame is that most adults learn to stop having fun and regret it for the rest of their lives. I have had many "grown ups" pull me aside and tell me they wish they had more fun. My advice to them, and to you is, when your obligations are done for the day, put your play clothes on and go play. Although your body grows older, always stay a kid at heart. You won't regret having pure fun! Seize the day!


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